Quem somos

13 de fev. de 2010

A letter that I never sent...

I’m writing all that but the truth is I haven’t decided yet whether send it or not. This bunch of words is just thoughts, feelings and sure a lot of emotions which are hard to share and it’s pretty much mine!

I can easily say the reason I’ve been connected on you for such a long time. The day we met for the first time I had a lot of fun; you were great and very successful corrupting me. The way you carried on the whole situation plus all the challenge it represents to me, of course I ended up in love.

Well.. It happened awhile ago, I don’t see many reasons to mention all that again. The fact is since that day until now I couldn’t spend a day without thinking of you. I must admit that I tried to take you out of my mind many times… but one of the most difficult things I`ve learned in my life is to take out of the mind what is in the heart.

For this long time you are in an untouchable place inside of me, so deep that I can’t access and remove, even if I wanted. In this point I kind of lost control, for the first time I cannot dominate it… and maybe this is what I like the most, an unknown situation that I have to go through.. your world is so mysterious to me. I never know what to do, to think, where to go, what to say… it’s all new and very very hard!

I’ve been learning a lot with this, waiting for a phone call, an email.. any sign that would say you are thinking of me somehow. But the phone never rang and you never came! I keep asking myself why?? And I don’t want to hear the answer I have ‘he doesn’t like you.. you must give up’. It’s tough to accept but should be the truth!

Its sounds insane to me, I barely know you… it feels there is a fight between my mind and heart. Every time I try an action to talk to you my mind keeps saying that I should not do it, but at that time my heart yells louder and I can’t avoid – if you are reading this letter, that was my tireless heart in one more tentative to accomplish something that I don’t know what it is… I can’t explain.

Finally, I’m telling you all this because I believe you must know how special you can be in someone’s life and when you fall in love again, please go for it – that’s the beauty of life, learn about yourself through another… we can do much when we are together. I tattooed in my mind how would be a relationship with you… but there is a world of differences between us and let it go seems to be the safest place for both of us. It’s sad and it is my conflict.. my mind wants that, but my heart wants to take care of you, share the moments, smiles, tears and everything, keep trying to be with you… and well, you already told me that I don’t have place in your life, so I should follow my mind.

Anyway, I never expected anything… always enjoyed every moment as if it was the last… maybe that was my biggest mistake, my heart was always tight and scared of not been with you again. But mistakes are part of our nature.. and I’m sure you have made yours.

I would like to thank you to opened my heart and helped me to see the opposite side of been in love, how I make a man feels. Definitely it was very important for a 30 years old ‘little crazy’ woman. I’m changing the scenery of my life and probably in this new version you will be an especial friend, and I’ll hope to see you so many times more, here or anywhere.

All that I’m saying here, since the beginning until the very end of it, is all good, really good. Keep showing your true essence, because that was what I saw in you.

I know it looks foolish and you might be asking yourself “what the hell”… you are probably right, it’s all about me, my feelings and somehow I put you on this, and as I’ll be gone in a couple of weeks I needed to let you know that. Sorry if it looks silly or a waste of time, I just like to express my feelings...

I started this letter a few weeks ago and never finished.

4 comentários:

Cacau Peres disse...

É tão curioso ver que nós, mulheres, somos iguais em qualquer lugar desse mundo! Eu poderia pegar sua carta (que eu li, desculpe!), mudar a remetente, o destinatário, e puff! enviar! Caberia tudo certinho, sem tirar nem por uma vírgula!

Por que sofremos assim? Por que nos doamos tanto e sempre esperamos algo em retorno? Por que sempre acreditamos no que o coração nos diz quando sabemos que ele é meio estúpido?

Ah, querida... Tantos "por quês"... E não tenho resposta para nenhum deles.

Tomara que sua carta te traga o que seja o melhor. Nem que o melhor seja a libertação de um pseudo-amor para que você possa ser realmente feliz, só ou não. (e aqui eu me incluo nesse pedido!)


Marza disse...

Acabo de passar por uma loja de presentes e coisas afins e a vitrine ainda é baseada no √alentine's Day...e claro que eu parei pra dar uma olhadinha nos kits, jogos, brincadeiras e livros sobre nosso amigo sexo...e lá estava um livro 'How to make a Love Letter'...pensei, como assim, temos que escrever o que vem lá do fundo, dependendo de cada momento, de cada pessoa amada...pra que um manual?? Mas pensando bem, faz sentido sim, acho eu usuaria a sua carta exatamente igual em algum momento da minha vida...está linda, profunda, livre e feliz (por mais que tenha sido triste somehow)...amor é amor em qualquer lugar...então vê se ensina aí pra galera como fazer uma carta de amor!!!

Kaká disse...

Bom Meninas.. nem sei como comentar seus comentários. Um dia decidi escrever uma carta, a Marza acompanhou a construção dela - enfim, fui dormir sem terminar e nunca mais peguei nela.
Quando cheguei aqui a encontrei no computador e então percebi o quanto me vez bem escrevê-la, abrir o coração, aceitar e me libertar.
Se não deu certo é por que não tinha que dar.. o por que que foi dessa maneira eu não sei e nem quero mais saber... esses pqs vem com o tempo, quanto a gente já aprendeu a lição.
Agora um manual de como não sofrer.. fiquei me perguntando se talvez ele sirva de consolo, ombro amigo e coisa assim.
Sei lá... apenas sei que colocar os sentimentos no papel me faz muito bem e fico muito feliz em saber que não estou sozinha no mundo.. outras pessoas sentem o mesmo.
Beijos nas duas!!

Kaká disse...

"A vida é a arte do encontro, embora haja tanto desencontro pela vida". Vinicius de Moraes

Acabei de ver essa citação no perfil de um "amigo". Acho que resume bem nossos comentários.