Quem somos

26 de jan. de 2012

Isso explica muita coisa

Talvez apenas eu entenda a razão desse texto... Talvez ele caia perfeitamente bem para outras pessoas que se interessarem por ele.
Não importa, fez o papel de um breguíssimo livro de auto-ajuda nesse momento, me ajudou a relaxar e esperar o tempo passar.

This morning at 7am, like every morning at 7am for the past thirty years, I rolled out my yoga mat in preparation for doing the first series. Typically 20 - 25 people show up to do it with me - today there were 8.
"What's going on?" I wondered out loud.
"Where is everyone? This is really bad for mu self-esteem - normally I have a 10 person minimum," I joked.
Then I remembered that Mars turned retrograde yesterday evening, so I could blame the energy of sinister planets rather than thinking that I'm losing my appeal in my old age. Mars is an energy planet, a motivating force that impels us to take action, to assert ourselves in a dynamic fashion. It turns retrograde less often than the other planets, about every two years and two months.
The glyph for Mars is identical to the symbol for the male of the species - a circle with an arrow attached, pointed outward, representing the primal male urge to penetrate something or someone. When a planet turns retrograde its influence becomes more internal and introspective. For the next 80 days, until april 13th when Mars goes direct again, that Martian urge to penetrate can most constructively be used to penetrate our own body and mind.

Mars is currently in the sign of virgo, which is the sign related to our physical health.
When a planet is retrograde it becomes weaker in terns of its potential to provide us with physical vitality.This is a time when we need to be particularly attentive to our physical health. Mars is associated with the Manipura Chakra, the fire center in the etheric body located in the area around navel. The Manipura Chakra is associated with Agni, the digestive fire. There are several different types of agni that helps us digest food, prana, sensory impressions, and mental and emotional experience. When Mars is retrograde, we may find that the inner fire is not burning quite as strongly as usual and we could suffer from digestive problems of different kinds.
We may feel as if we need to have a fire lit underneath us to motivate us. Perhaps the best way to keep the fire within burning brightly is to stoke it with Tapas. tapas is any kind of self disciplined activity that goes against the grain of our tendency towards Tamas (inertia), creating friction and heat to facilitate penetration and purification of the mind and body. Patanjali says: II.43 Kaya indriya siddhi asuddhi ksayat tapasah The fire of self-discipline removes impurities and brings mastery to the body and the sense organs.
Tapas is one of the most important aspects of yoga practice and is particularly indicated at this tome when the fiery, penetrating nature of Mars is turned inward.
Through tapas we can begin to cultivate Tejas, one of the three "vital essences" of Ayurveda.
Tejas is that purified fire element that provides us with radience, strength, courage, and penetrating insight. Another of the by-products os tapas is Saucha, or internal cleanliness. Patanjali list the benefits of Saucha: II. 41 Sattva suddhi saumanasya ekagrya indriya jaya atma darsana yogyatvani ca Then clarity, purity, well being, focused attention, mastery of the sense organs and perception of the soul are realized.

From Tim Miller's Blog

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