Quem somos

30 de mai. de 2009

Where am I gonna go now??

Now can you tell me what, what we gonna do now, where we gonna go now, what we gonna say now , now can you tell me what, what we gonna do now, where we gonna go now, what we gonna say now…
Ontem, enquanto tentava atravessar parte do parque de roller e Ipod no ouvido, em uma das minhas músicas favoritas Lauryn Hill solta esse refrão acima. Não apenas o refrão, mas basicamente todas as letras do CD Unpluged MTV, ela se refere à um momento obscuro de sua vida... na verdade ela canta como saiu da escuridão para encontrar a luz... se refere a sociedade, realidade, verdades e mentiras sobre ela e sobre o mundo.
Vou reproduzir aqui algumas de suas idéias de libertação, sobre como libertar nossa mente da prissão social em que vivemos.
...I tell you, I know everybody's in the same mess. I'm telling you. We all are. I know that, you know, and I'm just, you know, I'll be the first to tell you, you know, I'm a mess and God is dealing with me everyday. And everyday I'm trying, you know, how I can be less of a mess. 'cause you know, he showed me, Look Lauryn, you know, You're the problem, ok, I'm going to show you how you're causing the problem, and now I want you to be the solution. And that's what all of these songs are about, just, problem, cause and solution. Free your mind. It's like, we all think that the gospel is join and church building, and that's deception, you know. The real gospel is Repent, which means 'let go of all that crap,' that's killin' ya. Life was supposed to be a pleasurable experience, not this torment, you know. And when I realized that I was tormenting myself, it was about my lust. It wasn't about things that I needed it was just, you know, all these security blankets. I mean, the more I acquired I became more of a prisoner...
There's a scripture in the Bible that we, what does it say, it says 'We compare ourselves amongst ourselves' you know. That's not the standard. You already are the standard. What are you trying to fit into a standard for? We were each created to be individual standards, you know. And we're trying to fit into a standard? It doesn't make any sense, you know. So now I'm just, you know, after all that, I'm just ready to be me. And it's a lot to work through, you know, because all of us have hidden in these little boxes purposely, because of parts of ourselves that we were unhappy about. And it's because we didn't understand, you know, because there's all this social doctrine that says, you know, that the infinite God, with all this expression, who created every single one of us, absolutely different, on purpose, wants everybody to fit into the same suit. But like, you know, that's deception. That's deception...
Truth is from the inside out. You know, and the way we've been trying to heal and be healed is with these topical, surface, superficial, temporary solution. And I'm telling you, true healing is from the inside out. You know, we've been told to protect our outer man while our inner man is dying...
...fantasy is what people want, but reality is what people need...
Lauryn Hill

3 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Puxa.... essa postagem foi profunda.... será que o que temos na vida é realidade? Ou será que o que queremos é a realidade? Ou será que preferimos ficar com a fantasia? Nossa.... vou pensar...

Marza disse...

A fantasia (criada por nós mesmos ou pela lei dos homens) é maravilhosa, mas acredito que ela nos faça sofrer mais, pois quando a realidade chega pra valer, pois ela sempre aparece uma hora ou outra, sofremos com decepções e frustações. Já a realidade encarada exatamente como ela é, sem apegos e aversões...pode se tornar uma fantasia sem sofrimentos...isso vai depender se vc realmente aceitar e entender a sua realidade interna...who knows??!!

Kaká disse...

Aih.. deixa eu contribuir tb...
Acho que precisamos mesmo é de consciencia e clareza para distinguir a fantasia da realidade.
Assim não há confusão e sofrimento.
O problema é estar assim tão consciente, 24h por dia, para perceber todos essas detalhes.